Questions & Answers

Questions & Answers includes the CLIClaw Subscription Blogs and the answers to questions from our users. If you have a question for our team of experts, submit one for consideration! Review our archive for answers to past questions or use our search bar above to look for questions on a specific topic.

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What are Protected Computers according to the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act of 1984 ("CFAA")?

What are Protected Computers according to the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act of 1984 ("CFAA")? The CFAA governs cases involving protected computers, which are defined as computers that are: • Exclusively used by a financial institution or the US government. • Not covered by the above, but: • are used...

What are the Prohibited Acts according to the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act of 1984 ("CFAA")?

What are the Prohibited Acts according to the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act of 1984 ("CFAA")? The CFAA prohibits: • Computer trespassing, for example, hacking, in a government computer. • Computer trespassing that exposes certain government, credit, financial, or computer-housed information. •...

What is the Safeguards Rule?

What is the Safeguards Rule? The Safeguards Rule requires financial institutions under FTC jurisdiction to have measures in place to keep customer information secure. In addition to developing their own safeguards, companies covered by the Rule are responsible for taking steps to ensure that their...